Muneeb Asif: ICSS student to trustee
Muneeb Asif started as a new student when ICSS first began in 2004. He was nominated and became a trustee in August 2018.
” I attended ICSS from the age of 8, having had a difficult childhood and at 16, I began volunteering there. I continued to university and passed my degree, BSc in Actuarial Mathematics & Statistics: First Class (Honours), the first in my family to achieve a degree. Talking weekly to ICSS volunteers in a profession, helped me understand the importance of education and gave me a sense of direction as to which path I should take for my own degree. I happily accepted the position of trustee as I wished to give others the same opportunity I received from ICSS”
Muneeb Asif- November 2019

Mohammad Alam Begi : CWSS volunteer to Oxford University
Mohammad was an A-level student when he volunteered at CWSS and grew up in Afghanistan.

“I have been volunteering at the Canary Wharf Supplementary School since January 2017. My interest in sharing my passion for the humanities with younger students has motivated me to keep striving. The school acted as a fantastic extracurricular commitment, where I was exposed to new areas of history that I wouldn’t have otherwise studied at school. This was of great value for my application to study History at the University of Oxford. The volunteers were warm and welcoming; one of them is now a great mentor of mine. Finally, I’ve found the teaching experience very fulfilling, and I believe we all should feel a sense of duty to give up our time to help students from underprivileged schools.”
Mohammed A. Begi, Volunteer at CWSS and Student at the University of Oxford